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Blue America chat with the challenger who’s taking on the worst Democrat in congress

Blue America chat with Jim Wilson

by digby

Happening right now at C&L:

A labor union president once told me that the worst Democrat in Congress, at least from the point of view of ordinary working families, is Oklahoma reactionary Dan Boren. I’ve never been able to find anyone to persuade me that he was wrong. The video above should explain that pretty well.

Today Blue America is very proud to present the courageous populist who’s decided Boren doesn’t deserve a free ride from Oklahoma Democrats. State Senator Jim Wilson, long considered Oklahoma’s most pro-family state legislator, made up his mind after Boren voted in favor of the anti-Choice Stupak amendment and then against the overall healthcare reform bill– twice. Healthcare reform has been one of Jim’s signature issues as a state Rep and state Senator. He’ll be joining is for a free-ranging discussion.

The last two mangy Blue Dogs we’re trying to dislodge in this cycle are John Barrow– who faces off against Regina Thomas on July 20– and then Boren, who will be facing Jim on July 27. If you can, please consider donating to his campaign so that Jim can continue getting out his message to Oklahoma Democrats.

Come on over. If there’s a more loathsome Blue Dog than Dan Boren (and that’s a rich field indeed) I’d like to know who it is.


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