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Where’s Papa? Why hasn’t Dick Cheney weighed in on the gusher?

Cheney Fading In The Rearview Mirror

by digby

Newsweek wonders why Papa Dick Cheney has been so silent on the oil spill, since virtually everything he did in office was in service of the oil industry:

His ears ringing with the cries of “Cheney’s Katrina,” a title many are striving to bestow on the gulf oil spill, one might expect the former VP to convene journalists for a speech, like he did in May last year at the right-wing American Enterprise Institute to talk about national security. That lengthy rebuttal was timed specially to coincide with a speech President Obama gave on the same topic—a ploy calculated to get the maximum press attention. The closest we have this time is Liz Cheney, Dick’s daughter, arguing with Arianna Huffington on ABC’s This Week.

Maybe he knows that he has defenders out there like Andrew Breitbart, who when asked about this in a panel I attended here in LA a couple of weeks ago, immediately started screaming hysterically about how “all liberals ever talk about is Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton! OMG Halliburton!” which seemed to strike the audience as an excellent answer.

Seriously, Cheney knows that there will be no blowback on him for this. We don’t want to play the blame game with the previous administration — especially now that the current administration pretty much adopted the same policies.


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