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Blue America Chat — Crooks and Liars welcomes Beth Krom

Blue America Chat — Crooks and Liars welcomes Beth Krom

by digby

Does everyone remember the bozo John Campbell who introduced the birth certificate bill in the congress a few months back and refused to state categorically that President Obama is an American citizen? Yes, he’s from Orange County I’m sorry to say, and yet another embarrassment to Californians everywhere.

Today, Blue America welcomes his Democratic opponent, Beth Krom for a chat at Crooks and Liars at 11am, 2pm EDT. Here’s Howie:

This year the DCCC has decided to spend virtually all of its resources playing defense. They’re not spending money on replacing out-of-step, obstructionist Republicans– not even vulnerable ones like John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Thaddeus McCotter and John Campbell– but on saving the worthless hides of the mistrusted Blue Dogs who vote most frequently with the GOP and who have opposed most of the president’s Change Agenda– reflexive reactionaries like Travis Childers (MS), Bobby Bright (AL) and Walt Minnick (ID). So once again, its up to grassroots and netroots organizations like ours– who helped find and support progressives the DCCC ignored, like Alan Grayson, Donna Edwards, John Hall, and Carol Shea-Porter– to work toward making Congress a more receptive place for progressive values and ideas that put ordinary working people before wealthy corporate interests. And today we want to introduce you to one of those candidates, Orange County activist Beth Krom.

Beth is a proven, intrepid, can-do progressive– a former mayor of Irvine and current City Council member of that city– who is running for the Orange County seat, CA-48, currently help by one of the most ridiculous of all California Republicans, “Birther Amendment” author John Campbell. The district used to be solidly red but has been changing– and rapidly. Old style pundits and prognosticators may not have noticed– they’re better at reporting what happened than predicting what’s happening– but districts like Beth’s have undergone profound demographic changes. In 2008, in fact, Obama narrowly won the 48th, which helped him run up a 67-31% statewide vote against John McCain.

A dedicated environmental activist, she first ran for City Council in 2000 to stop an international airport from being built at Orange County’s former El Toro Marine Base. Within the first two years she served, a countywide initiative was drafted and passed that rezoned El Toro for park and open space use. Today, where the airport was proposed, the Orange County Great Park is being developed. The park is the missing link in, what will be, once restored, the longest urban wilderness corridor in America, extending from the ocean at Crystal Cove to the Mexican border. When we talked with Beth about the importance of smart growth, open space preservation and balanced planning, she pointed out that “buildings don’t make communities; people make communities.”

Beth is exactly the kind of candidate we would like to see replacing a careerist clown and partisan hack like Campbell. Profoundly anti-environmental– yet representing one of the most beautiful stretches of seacoast in America– Campbell is every irresponsible developer’s fondest dream.

We think Beth can win and we think she’ll bring a tremendous improvement to Congress and to Orange County is she does. If you can, please consider giving her a hand at the Blue America ActBlue page.

Join us at C&L at 11.

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