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Michael On Larry

Michael On Larry

by digby

Michael Moore was on Larry King last night and announced the winner of his twitter contest to explain where in the health care bill it says that insurance companies will only be required to pay 100 dollars a day if they are caught denying someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition. The smart gentleman who got it right blog post about it is here and it’s quite interesting. And Michael will indeed be washing his car this week-end. (Thank God it’s a Ford.)

It’s good to see Michael using the blogosphere and twitter to get the word out as only he can. He’s not quite as important as world leaders Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck, but he does have something of a following …

Michael also said something typically brilliant on the show about the Arizona immigration bill that really should enter the lexicon:

“… any illegal immigrant they catch in Arizona, they should let him keep doing his job because he’s adding to the economy. For every one they catch, they should send one Goldman Sachs guy to Mexico.”

The guy just has a way of crystallizing things.


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