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Failing To Reconnect

Failing To Reconnect

by digby

I knew Limbaugh was going to unravel over the Arizona law, but this exceeded even my cynical expectations:

With a controversial immigration bill signed into law in Arizona and President Obama’s call “to make sure that the young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again,” it was little wonder that Rush would have a particularly racially charged show today. Limbaugh pointed out that Obama didn’t specifically call on Democrats to “reconnect with white people” and took off from there. Discussing the campaign video, Rush said, “This is the regime at its racist best,” and that Obama “has purposely come to divide people” on racial lines. Rush also felt the need to remind Obama: “Freedom has no color, Mr. President. Freedom has no race. Freedom is a human right granted by God. It is not to be parceled out by arrogant eggheads like you to people who you think are more deserving of freedom than others. Freedom ain’t you.” On the immigration front, Rush mocked critics who fear the Arizona immigration bill will encourage racial profiling: “Civil rights violations? Oh my gosh. The worst thing we could possibly do is have civil rights violations.” Rush explained his concern: “It’s simple code words. ‘Civil rights violations.’ You know who that’s designed to stir up.” Having proved himself an inadequate defender of racial equality today, Limbaugh warned of an “invading army of illegal aliens who are using our services and taking our jobs” and compared the citizens of Central American nations to the barbarians who threatened ancient Rome.

“You know who that’s designed to rile up.” He’s not even trying to hide it anymore.

I wonder if he’ll cry like a little baby when a quarter of a million of those “riled up” people all show up for a march on the state capitol packing heat without permits (which is perfectly legal now in Arizona.)

By the way — I only wish one of those “illegals” would take Rush’s job. God only knows it doesn’t require someone who speaks the English language. All you have to do is scream, squeal, yell, whine, snivel and grunt and the audience will understand it as being every grievance they’ve ever had in their sad, loser lives. Anybody could do it.



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