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Secrets Of The Infiltrators

Secrets Of The Infiltrators

by digby

Michelle Malkin has some tips for the baggers to spot “infiltrators”:

1. Ask them what the 10th amendment says.

2. Two letters: B.O. (and I’m not talking about the president’s initials).

3. Glaringly obvious lack of subtlety.

4. Upside-down flags.

5. From reader Amy, a free “Infiltrator” sign (click here to download large size):

6. And from Temple of Mut, another downloadable sign:

Right now I’m watching John King interview Dick Armey at the rally and there’s a guy behind him with a sign that says “Imagine having B.O. for 4 years.” Real Americans are always babbling about how their unAmerican adversaries stink. It’s their way of calling them unclean animals. And it’s very, very classy.

(The woman standing next to him is holding a sign that says “You cannot help the people by destroying the rich.” Man, they sure have them trained.)

The signs Malkin provides above, well they say much more than these people realize.

Malkin ends her post with flourish saying:

Turning the tables on the Tea Party smear merchants:

I’m sure all 18% of Americans who identify as teabaggers are moved beyond words. The rest of the country is crying with laughter.

Update: Benjamin Sarlin reports that talk of “infiltration” was common at today’s DC event. There was also some concern that the African Americans selling flags and pins were ACORN, apparently. But I thought this observation was particularly telling:

One topic that wasn’t addressed on a single sign: anything having to do with financial reform. Despite the frequent anti-Wall Street and anti-bailout rhetoric, the bill making its way through the Senate seemed to elicit no response from protesters.

“You can’t help the people by destroying the rich,” but the rich are always allowed to destroy the people. That’s called freedom.


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