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Intensity Gap

Intensity Gap

by digby

Markos has some new polling out and this is quite interesting:

Three weeks ago, 40 percent of Democrats were likely or definitely going to vote, compared to 51 percent of Republicans — an 11 point “intensity gap”. Two weeks ago, as the battle for health care reform heated up, and GOP obstructionism came in full view, the numbers were 45 percent for Democrats, 56 percent for Republicans — both sides equally riled up.

This week, the numbers are 55 percent for Democrats, 62 percent for Republicans. While both sides saw big spikes in their numbers, Democrats were particularly energized, with that intensity gap narrowing from 11 points to a far more manageable seven. First the first time in over a year, Democrats have a reason to get excited about their party, and are newly engaging in the political process.

This intensity gap will bear tracking the rest of this cycle. Democrats can continue to close the gap by ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, passing tough financial regulatory reform, make progress on comprehensive immigration reform, and continue to talk tough against the obstructionist GOP.

And without this gap, Republicans will be hard pressed to make anything more than just marginal gains this November.

From his lips. If the Democrats decide to do those things they will have broken the Village edict that you must turn right in order to win the independents. (It’s a center-right country, dontcha know?) And that really would be a big deal.


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