I have refrained from writing much about this because I’m so angry at the Catholic hierarchy at the moment that I’m afraid I might say something I’ll regret. But I can’t resist this, from Pam Spaulding:
At one time you might have thought what you’re about to read was an extreme looney-toon statement, but given the vortex of evil coming to light—the criminal pedophile priest protection enterprise sitting at Benedict’s door of responsibility, the pimping out of undocumented immigrants, members of the Vatican choir, Papal Gentlemen and seminarians…it’s like a bad novel come to life. Well, this story is like a novel, The Exorcist. The Vatican’s exorcist-in-chief, who was the basis for the priest in the film, thinks there’s evil inside those walls and he’s not shy about saying it.
Pam goes on to talk about the horrifying mess the Vatican is facing and writes:
I think the public relations staff have such a nightmare on their hands—who knows when a coerced rent boy’s going to emerge to tell tales of priests in all sorts of compromising positions, or more papers implicating Cardinal Ratzinger emerge that show he repeatedly allowed children to be raped and pedophile priests to remain free to victimize more?
Oh boy.
She mentions the fact that the Pope is considered infallible which means there’s not much anyone can do about this short of some very dicey Dan Brown novel kind of stuff. But that raises a question for me: if the Pope is infallible and it turns out that he was involved in the pedophile priest scandal, as now looks likely, does that mean that pedophilia would now be considered an act ordained by God?
*I suppose I should regret saying that too, but I don’t. The Church hierarchy has a lot to answer for these days . And nobody seems more unhappy with all this than observant Catholics themselves.