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He’s working hard

He’s hardly working

by digby

Not only isn’t he lazy ass who spends his days watching TV to see what they’re saying about him, he says he’s actually working his humungous fingers to the bone.

He was at it again today:

What set him off today? He was watching Morning Joe:

The president’s unorthodox schedule—which features large portions of “executive time,” in which Trump watches TV, tweets, and calls friends—has been repeatedly leaked to Axios via a White House source. The digital news site reported that newly obtained daily agendas, which were published over the weekend, show “the president spent 50 percent of the four days last week in non-structured ‘Executive Time.’” 

During a segment about the Axios reports, Brzezinski derided the president, claiming that Trump’s day is filled with “playtime.” Scarborough deemed Trump’s schedule “an absolute joke.” 

“We’ve seen one person after another saying he often just hunkers down upstairs in the personal quarters, he spends of majority of his time watching cable news, tweeting, yelling, staring at TV sets like an old man in a retirement home instead of a President of the United States who is supposed to be working 24 hours a day,” continued Scarborough. 

“I’m sure most older men in retirement homes live far more active lives than does Donald Trump, but for these people to come out and suggest—and for Donald Trump to suggest—he’s worked harder than most any president before him is just an absolute joke,” he added.
“Historians will record, when this presidency is over, that Donald Trump was the laziest president ever to occupy the Oval Office,” Scarborough concluded.

Seems to have touched a nerve. Good to know.


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