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It’s That Time Of Year

by digby

I know that I’ve asked for money many times this year, whether it was to pressure Blanche Lincoln to support the public option or to help pass marriage equality in Maine. And you all have come through like champions time and again. I’m sure many of you are tapped out. But here I am asking again, this time for myself.

Up until the last few months I had a number of small revenue streams that added up to enough money to scrape by. But everything is drying up now, just as it is for people all over the country. Bloggers are evidently not exempt from the fallout. (Shocking, I know. ) So, I’m getting fairly concerned not only for my fellow Americans who are suffering in this economic climate, but for myself as well. (As one of those “over 50” self-employed people who have a major health care bell to ring, the recent debate has been particularly nerve wracking.)

I love blogging more than anything I’ve ever done in my life even though it’s a seven day a week 12 month a year slog. I’m incredibly honored that all of you find my scribblings worth reading and discussing. And despite the fact that this site still looks like a blog from 2002, which it is, and that I pretty much operate solo (with contributions from the wonderful Dennis Hartley , dday and tristero), I have somehow maintained my readership and influence over the years, which is amazing. With your input and the lively conversation in the comment section and greater blogosphere, I’ve been able to keep doing it my way, which is essentially on my own, saying whatever I want, answerable only to my conscience and the good will of my readers. It’s an odd financial model, I know, but it works for me. I can’t imagine doing it another way — if I can keep doing it at all.

I need your help to continue for another year. If you have your credit card out buying last minute Christmas gifts, and you like the work I do, I’d be very grateful if you if you’d put a couple of bucks in the old Hullabaloo stocking so that I can keep home and hearth together while we try to sort out what’s going on in the Village and around the world over the next year.

We are in very turbulent and complicated times and I think it’s more important than ever that we have places to go to talk it over, share information and try to synthesize and understand what’s going on. I try to maintain a little space to do that. If you find it valuable, interesting or even infuriatingly entertaining I hope you’ll donate what you can. As long as you still like what I’m doing I would love to keep doing it.

You can use the Paypal donate buttons on the left column or the good old US post office to send your contribution to:

2801 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, Ca 90405
(Checks to Digby or Digby’s Hullabaloo work fine.)

Happy Hollandaise everyone!

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