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One More Great Reason To Avoid Coca-Cola

by tristero

When I was a kid, my sister and I performed a gruesome scientific experiment. We dropped two of our baby teeth into a glass of Coke. After a week or thereabouts (I’m guessing here, it was a long time ago), they started to rot. I never drank Coke, or any sugared soda, again.

If that isn’t enough, here’s another reason to avoid Coke’s crummy products. Coke is “partners officially” with Ken Ham’s insane Creation “Museum”. That’s right: Coke sponsors creationists.

But what should you substitute when you’re feeling thirsty? My advice: try plain water. It works. Oh, and make it tap water. In the States, at least, it’s usually pretty good.

h/t Pharyngula.

UPDATE: You’d think I’d know this already: Never, ever believe anything a christianist says.

Reader MS points to this clarification in the comments to PZ’s original post:

This is hysterical– This means they signed a contract with Coke saying they will only sell Coke products, so Coke gives them a discount.
Thats it.
Contract that says only us–>discount.
Coke isnt ‘supporting’ the Creation museum. Theyre just taking TARD money, not really ‘giving’ Ham anything they dont offer everyone else. But Ham is so desperate for ‘support’ hes even looking to carbonated sugar water for an argument from authority.

Even so, please drink water instead.

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