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Tainted Victory

by digby

This headline about the Tiller family’s decision to close the clinic isn’t from the Onion. It’s from the AP:

Clinic closing a tainted victory for abortion foes.

Why should their victory be “tainted” just because it was made possible through assassination? I would hate for them to feel down about that. After all, it’s the most practical way to stop people from obtaining this legal procedure.

I would think the lesson is quite clear and there’s nothing tainted about it: if you want to close clinics, kill the doctors. It’s very efficient. And since the authorities are likely to see this as the act of a lone nut (also known as a martyr) there’s no price to pay.

Their victory isn’t tainted. It’s brilliant.

Update: Remember all of those who were lecturing after the assassination that the pro-choice people shouldn’t “politicize” this? Well, the grieving time is over:

How Tiller’s Death and Office Closing can Help Propel Pro-Life Movement, Derail Sotomayor and Overturn Roe. Four Key Senators will be Targeted to Vote Against Sotomayor; Catholic Bishops will Play a Role to Defeat Sotomayor

Press conference 1 PM, Thursday, to announce details how Pro-life groups can derail Sotomayor, and root out hypocrisy in pro-life ranks.

Also: Emergency Pro-life leadership training to be held in DC, June 12-14, with Randall Terry, Dr. Alan Keyes, Norma McCorvey, and Fr. Norman Weslin. Pro-abortion activists threaten to disrupt meeting.


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