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King Edward

by digby

Dday had an astonishing post over at his place the other day featuring Ed Rendell which you should read in its entirety:

I just came across an astonishing interview on The Ed Show with Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell about the potential Specter-Sestak primary. It’s a combination of a threat, Newspeak, muddled and often contradictory logic, and a depiction of how the spoils system works in government, particularly a machine state like Pennsylvania. It’s really something, and it looks almost staged, like an infomercial designed to bash Sestak’s chances in public.

read on for the whole terrible trainwreck …|

I have never been a Rendell fan, particularly after he behaved like as ass during the 2000 Florida recount, rushing out to “inform” the country that Gore would have to concede. But after reading that post I now have an active dislike for him. And I’m more determined than ever to support Sestak’s run. This guy really doesn’t like democracy.


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