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Caught In The Trap

by digby

This is one of the bravest articles I’ve ever read. But it’s important to read how an intelligent, successful person could get themselves caught in the maw of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown. It wasn’t just a bunch of illegals lying on their mortgage applications. There was a whole industry devoted to seducing people into believing they could easily have things they couldn’t afford. After all, our whole society was screaming at the time that you were a sucker for not getting in on the game. And everyone has some capacity for believing what they want to believe. It was a perfect American scam.

I’m sure the right wing will go after this fellow with everything they have, screeching with shrill self-righteousness about “personal responsibility.” But I would have to guess that just as many people who voted for George W. Bush are in this pickle as voted for Gore or Kerry. Wanting things you can’t afford is as non-partisan as apple pie.

I admire him for having the guts to tell his personal story.


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