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by digby

I made a modest proposal yesterday that we should start waterboarding politicians to determine the “truth” about the torture regime. I forgot someone. Not that we have any need to get information from him, mind you, or even because we want to elicit a false confession. Nothing he says or knows is useful to human beings. But I think Rush needs a little enhanced interrogation so he can share in the fun. Here he is yesterday:

Rush began the segment expressing what seemed like genuine outrage over the reported detainee photos released by the UK Telegraph and posted on the front page of Drudge. However, later, Rush couldn’t hold it in anymore — his producer Snerdly told him the subjects in the photos looked like “some pervert” in a nude exercise video, to which Rush added: “If that’s torture, I weigh 102 pounds.

According to Rush, torture isn’t torture unless you think of it as torture. So stripping him naked, putting a hood over his head and strapping him to a bed upside down in a stress position won’t be torture, it will be “blowing off steam.”


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