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SIFFting Through Celluloid Is Back On

by digby

As some of you know, over the week-end I asked that readers politely let the Seattle International Film Festival know that you value Dennis Hartley’s reviews and that you would like them to kindly reconsider their denial of a press credential for him to do his work. I’m thrilled to report that they have changed their minds as a result of the outpouring of support for Dennis’ work:

Dear Digby,

Thanks so very much for bringing this to our attention. After reading all
of the letters we received over the weekend from your readers, we can
certainly ascertain that Mr. Hartley¹s reviews are read around the country,
by a loyal and passionate following. Based on this additional information
and further research, we have decided to reverse our initial decision and
will be extending press credentials to Mr. Hartley for SIFF 2009. We have
reached out to Mr. Hartley this morning to inform him personally.

I do want to assure you and your readers that we recognize the importance of
blogs and have many bloggers on our press list. We do our best in
researching all those who approach us, accrediting those with legitimate
blogs and healthy readerships. Of course, as a film festival, we are paying
most attention to those blogs that focus on film, entertainment, and pop
culture. We did not understand the impact of Mr. Hartley¹s Saturday film
reviews on what is first and foremost a political blog.

We¹re delighted to learn that so many of your readers take great interest in
independent and international film. It¹s heartening to know that, through
Mr. Hartley¹s work, readers around the world can learn a little about SIFF
and a lot about the excellent filmmakers we work so hard to showcase.

Thanks again,


Thank you all very much for taking the time to ask them and thanks very much to Deborah Person for responding with such generosity and openness. Believe me, a lot of people wouldn’t have done that and Dennis and I both appreciate it very much.

Like the Drinking/Laughing/Living Liberally concept, I think supporting independent film, music and art is an area where we can consolidate our political/social culture a bit and I’m glad that this blog is able to contribute a little bit to that effort with Dennis’ film critiques and tristero’s world renowned music. It’s a good thing.

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