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Bill Barr’s helpful Catch 22

Bill Barr’s helpful Catch 22

by digby

Lawrence Tribe made a good point on Ari Melber’s show this afternoon. He noted that  Barr believes that the DOJ guidelines which say a president can’t be indicted is a correct one because it has held for 40 years.

And Barr also said this about the possible Mueller report yesterday:

“If you’re not going to indict someone, then you don’t stand up there and unload negative information about the person,” Barr said. “That’s not the way the Department of Justice does business.”

So, basically he’s saying that since the president can’t be indicted any evidence turned up by the Department of Justice must be suppressed. Sure, he can be impeached. But the Congress can’t have access to any of the information turned up by the Special Counsel because that would inevitably make that info public.

I guess this means that the congressional committees will have to guess at the evidence and try to put some facsimile of the case together on their own. Maybe if Tump is re-elected, they’ll have time in his second term if they keep their majority. So that’s good.


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