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Politics, Chicago-Style

by tristero

Any questions now why Democrats are paying good money to run Specter as a Democrat?

I didn’t think so.

UPDATE: dday notes that because of the rules of the subcommittee, it could be much harder to get a nominee through the Senate.

Special note: Of course, I don’t like Specter. Of course, I’m disgusted that the Democratic party has moved so far to the right that a conservative pinhead like Specter would even consider joining. Of course, I’m appalled at the manipulation and cynicism involved in purchasing Specter’s votes for Obama’s Supreme Court nominations.

But that is exactly what is going down. To ignore it, or to deny it, is not merely silly. It’s naive. Dangerously naive: after all, there is a vicious, malicious, extreme-right Republican party that, given half a chance, will rear its ugly head up again and create even more havoc than they already have.

Now, it’s time to get Franken seated. And fast.

Bye-bye, Mayberry Machiavellis. Welcome to politics, Chicago-style

BTW. my suggestion for whom to replace Souter: David Boies. Seems only fair.

[Post restructured and retitled]

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