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Why I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

I’ve changed my mind about same-sex marriage. For reasons Maggie Gallagher makes crystal clear, it is wrong, even terribly dangerous. It simply must be opposed:

I believe that marriage matters because children need a mother and a father…

I am proud of the “Gathering Storm” ad precisely because it lets the American people know the truth: Gay marriage has consequences…

Get it? Gay marriage has consequences. I had no idea, I mean, I just assumed that two people who love each other should have the opportunity for society to ritually affirm their love and also provide them with equal access to legal rights, regardless of the genders involved. And surely there’s nothing bad that could come from that. But Gallagher’s letter persuasively argues that if gay people are allowed to marry, then consequences follow. To be specific, she can only mean that straight people will have to give up their children. Furthermore, ONLY gays will be allowed to raise children.

That’s not good, people.

I love my daughter and I want to raise her. I don’t want to be forced to hand her over to my dear friends Anne and Saskia [names changed] simply because I made the mistake of marrying someone who has different private parts than I do. But obviously, if gay marriage becomes the law of the land, then, as Gallagher points out, I will have no choice.

Or maybe not. I could get a divorce, marry my childhood friend Roger – he was kind of cute, I recall – while my wife could marry the single mother upstairs. Then , at least, we’d all be able to raise our children together even should Maggie Gallagher’s worst nightmares come true.

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