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The Fatuous Gasbag And His Little Dog Bobby

by digby

Julia discusses the news that Little Bobby Jindal is doubling down with El Rushbo for the long haul. You can’t blame him. Rush is the only person in America who still takes him seriously.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, R, reignited the controversy surrounding the Republican Party and Rush Limbaugh Tuesday night when he said it is OK to hope President Barack Obama fails.

Speaking to a conference of Republican leaders, Mr. Jindal, a man who many believe has an eye on the White House in 2012, said it is appropriate to hope the president fails if it means the president’s policies will jeopardize the nation’s security and stability.

“My answer to the question is very simple: ‘Do you want the president to fail?’ It depends on what he is trying to do,” Mr. Jindal said.

“Make no mistake: Anything other than an immediate and compliant, ‘Why no sir, I don’t want the president to fail,’ is treated as some sort of act of treason, civil disobedience or political obstructionism,” Mr. Jindal said to a crowd of about 1,200. “This is political correctness run amok.”

No word on whether or not they feel “Betrayused.”

Meanwhile, Little Bobby’s BFF is talking some amazing gibberish these days. I’ve been able to keep up with the GOPs spiritual and intellectual leadership much better since Media Matters started the LimbaughWire. I can only actually listen to his bombastic blather for a few minutes before I literally get nauseous. It’s a great service (and entertainingly written too.)

The sheer volume of utter nonsense that the man spews out in just one program, much less each and every day for 20 years is amazing. It’s even more amazing his listeners’ heads haven’t exploded from the sheer amount of dissonance their brains have to process. These highlights just from the last hour of Friday’s show alone are awe inspiring:

LIMBAUGH: If the American people are ready for the destruction of capitalism, if the American people are ready for the destruction of the opportunity for the American dream, if the American people are ready to vote for an end to their chance to be prosperous, it must mean a lot of them want to sit around and do their doobies. But what’s the big disconnect?


LIMBAUGH: The Obama administration said it supports the Copenhagen treaty process if, in the words of a U.S. State Department spokesman, it can come up with an effective framework for dealing with global warming. In other words, damn the consequences.

If we can claim that it fights global warming, we will do it. It fits right in, ladies and gentlemen, with Obama’s plan to destruct the foundation of capitalism in this country and replace it with a giant government and a huge, huge welfare state.


LIMBAUGH: There is no global warming, so when you say that we have a solution to it, I — you know, I throw my hands up. There’s no solution to it, because there isn’t any global warming. And I don’t care if there is warming or cooling, there’s nothing we can do about it. We’re just human beings. There’s not a damn thing we can do to cause it or to stop it. We’re just prisoners here.


LIMBAUGH: It’s like I said yesterday: “Cheat on me, but don’t tell me. Obama can do” —

CALLER: Exactly. So —

LIMBAUGH: “Obama can do anything in the world. Just don’t tell me what he’s really doing, because I love the guy.”

He’s a cult leader. Battered liberal syndrome: “Cheat on me, just don’t tell me.”


LIMBAUGH: Nancy, honey, taxpayers are paying for health care. I don’t care if it’s coming [from] their company, their insurance — taxpayers — government health care is taxpayer-paid health care. The government can’t pay for anything without taking money from people who produce it, unless they print it, which is sadly what is happening now. The third person in line for the presidency in this country is a complete airhead.

(By that logic, taxpayers just paid for my lunch and filled up my gas tank too. And he calls Pelosi an airhead?)

Those excerpts represent just one hour out of the week.

While nobody knows if his numbers are actually rising (and there is good reason to suspect they’re not) I would expect that it won’t matter. If the media believes they are real we will see Limbaugh’s star actually rise, as ridiculous as that is. It’s his money and success that enthralls them.


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