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Why Are We Listening To You?

by digby

Good for John King for asking this question exactly this way:

During an interview with Dick Cheney this morning, CNN host John King asked the former vice president why “we should listen to you” for economic advice. To make his case, King noted the following statistical changes that occurred under the Bush/Cheney administration:

Unemployment rate: Rose from 4.2 percent to 7.6 percent
Poverty: Jumped from 32.9 million individuals to 37.3 million
Uninsured: Escalated from 41.2 million individuals to 45.7 million
Budget deficit: Inherited budget surplus of $128 billion and left office with $1.3 trillion deficit

“So what would you say to someone out there watching this who’s saying why should they listen to you?” King asked.

I think every reporter should ask every Republican that exact question every time they start to spout off about anything.

Cheney predictably answered “stuff happens,” claiming that 9/11 and Katrina were the reasons for the budget deficit, conveniently forgetting his famous statement “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter — this is our due.” As for the unemployment, poverty and lack of insurance, he actually considers those things a Bush administration success story.


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