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Teenage Pregnancy

by tristero

While Jodi Jacobson has an excellent point, namely that Steve Waldman is an ass, I have to say I don’t give a damn about Bristol Palin and whether or not she gets married or whether or not she keeps the child or anything else about her.

Whatever she decides to do, or is forced to do by her creepy mother and father, she will have a far easier life than the typical one that faces teenage parents – married or unmarried – and their children. Because of their position, their income, and Sarah’s ambition, the Palins will guarantee that Bristol and her child have proper health care, access to a good education (including college if Bristol wants it), and an opportunity for employment. None of these is the case for many teenagers trying to raise a baby.

I care about those kids a lot more. Here’s a link to an earlier post about the tremendous human and economic cost teenage pregnancies in the US.

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