Perle Talks
by tristero
As you may recall I turned down an invitation to hear Richard Perle speak. Dana Milbank, however, did go. His headline summed up what happened: Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence.
While normally, I am a big fan of ridiculing extremists like, say, Ayman al Zawahiri or Richard Perle, I was, for some reason, dissatisfied with the article. Perhaps the cause of my unease can be traced to Milbank’s punchline:
“I don’t know that I persuaded anyone,” Perle speculated when the session ended.
No worries, said the moderator. “You certainly kept us all entertained.”
Ah, hahahahahahahaha! Oh, those ever so clever villagers and their witty repartee. You would never know – as the laughter rose into the ceiling at the I-kid-you-not Nixon Center and comity was restored amongst the well-connected crowd – that Perle was directly responsible for thousands upon thousands of Iraqi deaths, not to mention more American deaths than occurred on 911. He’s entertaining.
These people make me sick. All of them. The only audience Perle deserves is the judge at a trial for his war crimes. And I’m absolutely positive, as the evidence accumulates of Perle’s critically influential role in the moral cesspool that was, and remains, the Bush/Iraq war, no one will find him entertaining in the slightest.