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They Just Love Stale Nihilism

by digby

… they call it “the real deal.”

On his radio show this afternoon, Limbaugh leaped to Jindal’s defense. “I love Bobby Jindal, and that did not change after last night,” he said. Limbaugh then directed this admonition at his fellow conservatives:

LIMBAUGH: [T]he people on our side are really making a mistake if they go after Bobby Jindal on the basis of style. Because if you think — people on our side I’m talking to you — those of you who think Jindal was horrible, you think — in fact, I don’t ever want to hear from you ever again. … I’ve spoken to him numerous times, he’s brilliant. He’s the real deal.

Jindal was playing to the base he needs to get the nomination. And they are living in an alternate universe that is looking forward to a depression for their political revival. Most of them are obviously too dumb to know the particulars, but they know instinctively that it’s not historically unprecedented.

Update: Boehlert does a nice rundown on their crazed reaction to Obama since the inauguration.

I think Atrios has it completely right on this. Jindal and the rest are going to have a problem:

They are now officially a sub-culture and it’s hard to get a majority when you literally speak a different language than most people.


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