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Bipartisan Tango

by digby

It looks like Pat Leahy isn’t inclined to go along with the Republican vapors on the Holder nomination even if it means an ugly fight. And he’s right not to. Sam Stein at HuffPo reports that Leahy has released the following statement:

“In my statement to the Senate on November 20, I commended Senators Hatch, Sessions, Coburn, and Grassley for their nonpartisanship when they praised his selection. Senator Hatch spoke of his support for Mr. Holder, his experience and reputation. Senator Sessions, a former prosecutor, U.S. Attorney, and State Attorney General who is well aware of the problems at the Justice Department, said he was disposed to support him. Senator Coburn called it ‘a good choice.’ In addition, Senator Grassley has acknowledged Mr. Holder’s impeccable credentials while reserving judgment. But of course since then, Karl Rove has appeared on the Today Show and signaled that Republicans ought to go after Mr. Holder. Right-wing talk radio took up the drum beat.”

Leahy also took the smarmy words about Michael Mukasey out of Jon Kyl’s mouth and shoved it right back down his throat. He doesn’t sound as if he’s afraid of a fight.

One of the things we hear a lot about from the press and various DC insiders is that the Obama people learned from Clinton’s mistakes. This is a test of that theory. Clinton was weakened early on with silly controversies over his nominations, which were exacerbated by the Senate Democrats’ willingness to join the Republicans on the fainting couch. He needs the Senate to stand fast and be willing to stare down the Republicans on this stuff. This is a good sign.


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