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OMG! I’m so shure!

by digby

Is CNN justice correspondent Kelli Arena angling to become the new Rachel Ray? What the hell is wrong with her? She breathlessly announced the judge’s decision to release five Gitmo prisoners today like she was telling her girlfriends all about her date last Friday night.

CNN host: How many are being held now at Guantanamo Bay and will they all get an opportunity to challenge

Arena: If they choose to … Now, a guy like Sheik Khalid Mohammed,who’s sitting over at Gitmo said, “Yes! I’m a member of al Queda,and I wanna be put to death”, so is he gonna make a habeas corpus challenge? Prolly not. But there are 250 guys still at Guantanamo Bay. There are hundreds o’ cases pending. But, you know, it’s not like these guys are gonna leave today. The government is gonna appeal this decision. But this is what the government did not want! They said, “these guys are enemy combatants” and the judge said “didn’t work fer me!I don’t see the evidence, you gotta let em go!”

She appeared to have just downed half dozen shots of espresso.

I’ve noticed that Rick Sanchez is doing something similar. I think it’s part of the Palinization of the culture — apparently broadcasters think people don’t feel comfortable with anyone who seems smarter than your average 15 year old cheerleader.

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