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California Emergency

by digby

I know you’re tired of hearing this from me, but it’s important. The ban gay marriage amendment, prop 8, is in a dead heat right now and the campaign is having a hard time getting people fired up to help GOTV. In this historic, progressive year it is just unthinkable that we in California would let a bunch of backwards, segregationist, religious extremists actually take away fundamental civil rights.

I had a conversation with a gay friend of mine last night who is extremely political and simply didn’t realize that a big Obama win here in California might not translate into a victory for No on Prop 8. It doesn’t scan, right? Liberals in liberal California voting in big numbers means support for gay marriage. But the fact is that there a quite a few conservative Democrats and “moderate” Republicans who may very well vote for Obama this time out, but who are opposed to gay marriage. Obama himself is opposed to gay marriage, although he did quietly announce his opposition to Prop 8.

We especially need the young voters to turn out big in California. They instinctively understand this as a basic issue of discrimination and fairness and have the most stake in the future. They need to vote and they need to help get out the vote. We all do.

If you think I’m being hyperbolic, here’s the ad about “The Call” again so you’ll know just what kind of crazy we are dealing with:

Here’s where to go if you can help.
Send the link around to anyone you know who can help.

As much as I will be proud and excited if Obama wins this election, it will not be a truly progressive victory is we let these forces of the dark ages succeed in changing the constitution of the most populous state in the union — a state which Obama is poised to win hugely — to expressly discriminate against its citizens. It shouldn’t happen.

No on Prop Hate.


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