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You Knew It Would Happen

by digby

Last week, Huffpo reported that the McCain campaign was “rethinking” McCain’s allegedly heroic decision not to use Jeremiah Wright in the election because John Lewis had said he was hearing some echoes of George Wallace in this election. sadly, Mccain might not be able to keep from responding with George Wallace style attacks in the face of such slander.

It looks like one of those 527s is coming to the rescue, saving poor McCain from having to further besmirch his sterling character:

The National Republican Trust PAC, which aired one harsh anti-Obama ad that it also used to fundraise on Drudge and elsewhere, says it’s putting $2.5 million behind this spot in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

The ad is exactly what many conservatives have been hoping would air for months: A Jeremiah Wright highlight reel, with a voice-over describing the pastor’s long relationship with Obama.

“For 20 years, Obama never complained, until he ran for president,” says the ad, which labels Obama, “too radical, too risky.”

“This is the base giving a collective direction to where the campaign should have gone a long time ago,” said Rick Wilson, the consultant who made it.

He’s right. That is, in fact, the base giving a collective direction to where they wanted the campaign to go all along. It’s all right out there.

If you aren’t a racist and you’re still voting Republican, how do you see this and not feel dirty?


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