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by digby

Proposition 8 here in California is starting to get hot. Here’s a report from oakland:

This is the reality of Prop 8, though. A woman on her way home saw a bunch of pro-Prop 8 types and a few counterdemonstrators, so she got out her phone and started taking video. Having turned off her phone to approach after a particularly ugly confrontation between an angry pro-8 woman and a man who was against it (and who stayed calm while the woman got in his face), she was approaching when the pro-Prop 8 types threatened her (”Get that shit out of here. I’ll knock it out of your hand.”).

Conservatives are starting to feel very, very freaked out. And they tend to be the type of people who believe violence is the best answer for everything. You do the math.

You can see the video at the link. Ugh. The sheer rage in the voices of the anti-gay marriage people is chilling.

Update: You can’t blame them, really. Their own leaders are going postal and psaying that you will die if Obama wins. Here’s the latest McCain robocall:

“Democrats attempt to cut off crucial troop funding,” goes the script. “They accuse our troops of war crimes. And Senator Biden predicts Senator Obama will be tested. A weak president will indeed be tested. Obama and Democrat’s politics endanger American lives. They are not qualified to lead our military and our country. When you vote, vote for the team that puts leadership, character and country first. John McCain.”


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