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It’s Not That He’s Anti-American, Just That His Views Are Against America

by dday

These wingers really don’t like it when we pay attention to their words.

It’s been 5 days and Michelle Bachmann is still trying to explain her little McCarthyist rant from Hardball. The first explanation was that she didn’t say it. Videotape got her on that one. The second was that Tweety tricked her. Look, if you get into an intellectual war of words with Chris Matthews, and you lose, that’s a disqualifying event for public life.

Chris Matthews laid a trap, and I walked into it. […]

Chris Matthews was using the term over and over, and I should not have used it. […]

This was Chris Matthews. I made a big mistake by going on the show. I never should have. […]

I just didn’t recognize — I never watched the Chris Matthews show before. I should have before I went on. I didn’t recognize that he would lay a trap the way that he did.

He laid this trap by allowing you to say what you were saying instead of cutting you off. And by taping it.

And now, in friendlier media outlets, she’s just rearranging the words.

BACHMANN: All I did on Chris Matthews is I questioned Chris Matthews and said, “look, if John McCain had friends like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers and Father Pfleger, you’d be all over him Chris, but you’ve laid off of Barack Obama.” And so, he was using the word “Anti-American” and I told Chris, what I question are Barack Obama’s views. Because Barack Obama’s views are against America. They won’t be good for our country.

It’s all so simple. All she did is say that Obama’s views are against America. Now if that makes him anti-American, well, you must be one a’ them liberal elitez.

The D-Trip has an ad on the air in the district now, hitting her CONTINUED love of deregulation and the Wall Street cash she’s taken for her campaign. I’m a little befuddled why they’re not hitting the McCarthyism, but maybe the free media is doing that job for them. The idea that “hyper-regulation” caused the crisis is nutty, too. I hear that the NRCC might not save her from this one.

Bye bye Bachmann.

…the NRCC pullout is confirmed. She’s on her own.


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