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Reliable Sources

by digby

Here’s Bob Shrum telling the Democrats not to go wobbly, which is fine and I don’t have a problem with it. Don’t go wobbly, Dems!

But this was a little bit disconcerting:

Democrats, scarred by the stolen election of 2000 and the near miss of 2004, privately worry, wring their hands and, traveling cyberspace’s vast expanse, trip over a discouraging word, poll, or prediction. Generally, they needn’t look farther than the Drudge Report, which shamelessly selects information—and disinformation—in order to stereotype Barack Obama and denigrate his prospects.

With genuine anguish, one Democrat said to me Sunday, “Did you see Drudge has Obama only 2.7 percent ahead?”

It wasn’t actually Drudge, but a poll by Zogby, which Drudge had cherry picked for its pessimism. (Unlike Drudge, Zogby isn’t biased; he famously elected Kerry in 2004.) Rasmussen’s poll used to be Drudge’s favorite, but on Sunday it showed Obama leading by six, so Drudge swept it under the rug.

It was good of Shrum to point out that Drudge is biased, but apparently his Democratic friends read him religiously anyway. It’s just a crying shame there aren’t any liberal sites that Democrats could read instead. Somebody ought to start one.


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