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Become A Political Consultant For 10 Bucks

by digby


Have you ever watched people identified on TV as a “political consultant” and thought to yourself, “geez, I could do better than that.” Well, now you can prove it.

Blue America has teamed up with “SaysMe.TV” to allow average folks like you and me to place ads for our favorite congressional candidates on our favorite TV shows.

Here’s Howie:

Today Blue America, with our partners at SaysMe.TV, is launching a new application that can make everyone a political media consultant– or, better yet, a replacement for a political media consultant. Click here to see the program. Start by picking a media market: Cincinnati- Vic Wulsin
Miami- Annette Taddeo
Washington, DC- Judy Feder
Detroit- Gary Peters
New York- Dennis Shulman
Seattle- Darcy Burner
Philadelphia- Sam Bennett
Charlotte- Larry Kissell (should be up Monday)
Los Angeles- Debbie Cook or Russ Warner (should be up Tuesday) Then pick which ad you want to run. Right now we have one ad available per candidate but we’re hoping to add some more in the next week. Type your name in at the top, because at the end of the ad it will credit you with paying for it. Then pick the network and the daypart (time). An individual ad can cost as little as $10, but the minimum purchase per candidate is $100. Review the ad purchase, then check off all the boxes that attest that you’re a U.S. citizen and that you’re not a member of the Bush cabinet, etc. And then pay for it with your credit card. SaysMe.TV will notify you before your ads run. This is the beginning of a new world in media buying. I have a feeling it’s going to get better and better over the next year or so. Meanwhile, as usual, we’re the pioneers. Play around with it.

This is a really fun concept. The ads are great and the idea that we can all contribute directly to put these ads on the air is a fantastic new empowerment tool.

And it’s going to drive the insiders nuts …


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