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Take Me Out To The Ballgame

by digby

… and then shoot me.

Here’s a recap of every Sunday gasbag discussion about the VP debate last Thursday and the next presidential debate on Tuesday:

After the Republicans successfully worked the refs and lowered the bar, last Thursday Sarah W Palin was in her wheelhouse and kept her eye on the ball. While she didn’t hit it out of the park, she proved that she could take a punch and serve an ace when it counted. Biden meanwhile, showed that he’s a team player right out of the gate by avoiding time in the penalty box and probably won on points. But with her humor, personality and confidence, Palin hit the trifecta.

The question for Tuesday is whether McCain will throw another hail mary or if Obama will fall on the ball and run out the clock. The one thing he needs to avoid is dancing in the endzone or spiking the ball before the final score is on the board. He needs to keep his eye on the ball. McCain, on the other hand, is behind on points, so he needs to strike out the side, get the ball over the plate and score a knockout.

As we go into the stretch, and the candidates are hitting below the belt and playing a little chin music, the most important thing to remember is that politics ain’t bean bag.

Did this enrich your understanding of the election as much as it did mine?


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