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My Sweet Coconut

by digby

Judging from the reaction among the beltway fanboys, it appears that Sarah W. Palin may have a potent weapon in her arsenal. Here’s Wolcott:

Roger Simon, whose brains seem to have been leaking through a sieve ever since he joined Politico, was one of those smitten with her eyelash action.

But if people thought she was going to look like a dumb bunny for 90 minutes, they were disappointed. She said what she wanted to say, and she was so relaxed she even winked at one point. Really! An actual wink during a national debate, when she said she was going to try to get John McCain to change his mind about not drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

I hope that wink wasn’t a lurid signal that Palin plans to bestow oral sex on her running mate to get him to change his mind about ANWR, breathily promising him that she’ll show him the true meaning of drilling in Alaska if only he’ll say yes. That would be so wrong on so many levels.

Perhaps she intends only to “wink him off,” to paraphrase the famous joke told by Jack Nicholson in The Last Detail. But even that would be a dismayingly inappropriate way to further the cause of domestic oil exploration, in my opinion.

Perhaps this explains why McCain was jubilantly shouting “viva barracuda!” apropos of nothing. Of course, he may have been thinking about that “dish in Rio,” the former flame about whom he used to reminisce with the boys on the Straight Talk Express. And don’t think those ramblings weren’t deep deep policy discussions:

Sen. John McCain’s senior foreign policy advisor cites a steamy romance 50 years ago with a Brazilian babe among the things that illustrate the candidate’s decades-long interest in Latin America.

Speaking at an Americas Conference panel discussion Friday on the next U.S. president’s Latin American policy, McCain advisor Richard Fontaine started out by mentioning an old Brazilian flame of McCain’s, who recently emerged in the press.

”Talking a little about his personal experience, he was famously born in Panama and has traveled all over the hemisphere for many years.” Fontaine said. “In fact, I saw, I guess it was last week, that his old girlfriend in Brazil has been found from his early days when he was in the Navy and was interviewed. She’s a somewhat older woman now than she was then, but it sorta speaks to the long experience he has had in the region — in the most positive terms.”

If you know what I mean…

Fontaine was referring to former model Maria Gracinda Teixeira de Jesus, who recently gave an interview to O Globo saying the former sailor was quite the kisser. According to McCain’s memoirs, `Faith of My Fathers,` they met in 1957, when his ship, the USS Hunt docked in Brazil.

”I called him John but also my darling and my sweet coconut,” she said. “He was a great kisser. I liked it so much that I bought a book to learn how to kiss myself.”

I don’t think Sarah W’s little winkies are any competition for that, do you?


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