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Who’s Yer Daddy?

by digby

Gotta love this headline:

President Bush, Nancy Pelosi among biggest losers in bailout debacle

Golly, who benefits from that interpretation?

So, they are all saying that Pelosi blew it because you never bring a vote to the floor unless you have the votes. But what do you do if they lie to your face? And apparently Democrats are not allowed to be “partisan” about this problem which translates into them taking responsibility for this epic shit pile the Republicans have created.

That headline says exactly what John McCain and the Republicans want to be the story. And they want to put Democrats in a rhetorical straitjacket by saying that they can’t “politicize” the financial crisis the same way they couldn’t “politicize” 9/11 or Iraq or Katrina. In other words, criticizing Republicans for their massive failures is always irresponsible.

Excuse me, but bullshit. We are in a very important election. Possibly the most important election in our lifetimes. Certainly, more important than the bail out, more important than anything is making sure that the Republicans are held responsible for this big shit pile and winning the election. If McCain and the GOP win, it’s going to take a lot more than 700 billion dollars to dig us out of this problem.


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