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Diva Dudes

by digby

Last night as I was watching the debate I had the nagging feeling that Mccain reminded me of something, but I couldn’t my finger on who it was. Then it came to me:

He too, was a loose cannon who appealed to people because he spouted macho bromides about “getting under the hood and fixin it.” (He was also obsessed with the POW story, although he and McCain were on opposite sides and hated each other.)

That election was also a freak show, featuring an irascible Diva and a lot of strange tabloid nonsense. Perot kicked off hisrun on Larry King and then abruptly dropped out without an adequate explanation. He started up again in October, explaining that his earlier aborted campaign was due to a secret plan by George Bush to disrupt his daughter’s wedding. And he had Admiral Stockdale as his running mate.

There seems to be a disturbing trend developing in which Americans flirt with electing serious nuts for president. (That’s when they aren’t electing serious fools.)


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