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Dear John McCain

by tristero

Dear John McCain,

Like many concerned Americans, I have signed up to drive voters to the polls on Election Day. In my case, I’m driving to Pennsylvania after I vote here in Manhattan.

Now, as you may know, New Yorkers have a pretty good mass transportation system so I have many, many friends who don’t own cars; they never needed one. However, they, too, would like to drive voters to the polls.

So I was wondering: Could my friends borrow twelve of your 13 cars for a day? I give you my solemn word they’ll all be returned in the condition we found them. And we promise, no matter how expensive it is, we’ll fill ’em back up when we’re done.

Looking to hear from you soon.

Your friend,


ps I sent this to your campaign website. Would it be better if I addressed future correspondence to your home? Which one(s)?

UPDATE: In case you’re wondering, yes, I really did send this letter. I’ll let you know if I hear from him. If he is willing to lend his cars to me, we’ll hold a raffle on this very site to see who gets to borrow them on Election Day! But I wouldn’t hold your breath if I were you.

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