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Once, Just Once…

by tristero

It would be nice not to read a variation of this every single goddamm day:

Can McCain sell himself as a Wall Street reformer? His record shows the opposite, but the Republican has come out swinging, and Obama needs to fight back.

But no. Over and over again, we read how Democrats have foregone the attack, Republicans go for the jugular, then Democrats are so slow to react they wind up playing catch up and “need to fight back.”

Then, the polls show a tie – a tie, mind you, between a candidate who is knowledgeable, articulate, rational, and smart and one who is ignorant, tongue-tied, hot-headed, and dumb as a post. Then, a whole bunch of people come up with a whole bunch of elaborate reasons why a tied race is to be expected, is actually a good thing, the inevitable thing, and will inevitably turn around “as the Republican attacks turn voters off.”

The currently unfolding financial disaster has provided this country with yet one more supremely stark example of the sheer incompetence of Republican rule, as if 9/11, Bush/Iraq and Katrina weren’t enough (to name only three). And Democrats are playing defense?

In case you haven’t noticed, our politics are very weird.

Published inUncategorized