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The Government Is The Problem

by digby

Somebody told Bush he needed to sound confident and decisive and so he’s adopted his hectoring “we WILL disarm Saddam Hussein” tone — and short sellers are apparently the new Fedayeen. (Funny, he didn’t seem to have a problem with such speculation when they were called “hedge fund managers.”)

Short selling is a normal function of the market. In fact, it’s essential. Those who are now crying because the financial sector is imploding and people are betting on its further imploding, have completely lost credibility — and should have it stuffed down their throats if they ever offer even a whisper of the words “free market.” Talk about a bunch of whiners.

Oh, and he also forcefully reminds us that this is no time for partisanship. I’ll be looking to see the congress stand on the steps of the capital later this afternoon and sing “For The Love Of Money.”

Somehow,I have a suspicion that being reminded that this bozo is at the helm isn’t going to calm any waters.


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