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Evuntheconservative Laura Bush …

by digby

Batocchio writes about the annual Banned Books Week, which is coming up this month:

“Celebrating the Freedom to Read,” Banned Books Week runs September 27th to October 4th this year. Starting on September 27th as well is the eighth annual National Book Festival, taking place on the National Mall. Presented by the Library of Congress and Laura Bush, over 70 authors will be participating, and the website will post podcasts of events. I’ll also promote the wonderful, ongoing Favorite Poem Project yet again.

The American Library Association has a page on Banned Book Events, including a page for events by state (at least one listed event appears to be from 2007 or else there’s a typo, so you may wish to confirm an event before attending). There are official Facebook and MySpace groups for Banned Books Week, and you can also find several “I Read Banned Books” groups. Apparently, there will even be Banned Books Week activities in Second Life (details forthcoming on the website). Children’s author Sam Riddleburger shows how you can use an online motivational poster generator to make your own “Read” posters. (Continuing on the lighter side, The Onion has a piece called “Nation’s Teens Disappointed by Banned Books.”)

I’ll also invite any and all bloggers to a very informal blogswarm on banned books and intellectual freedom. Feel free to link your post(s) in the comments, or shoot me an e-mail, if you’d like


Since we have a purportedly wishful book banner running for Vice President, this seems like a good opportunity to have a little fun.


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