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by tristero

U.S. Embassy in Yemen attacked, at least 16 dead. And the outrage stinks of bin Laden. The very same bin Laden that has not been brought to justice because Bush got distracted, turning the hell of living under Saddam into an unimaginably obscene Hobbesian nightmare. And did so with John McCain’s early, enthusiastic, and utterly demented support.

Speaking of Iraq, in Baghdad, ten also died. And that’s not all. Read and weep about the “success” of the “surge.” There’s a damn good reason why even a Republican tool like Petraeus refuses to pretend there’s a “victory:”

It was the second twin car bomb attack in Baghdad this week. On Monday, two car bombs detonated in central Baghdad, killing 12 people and wounding 37 others.

Five roadside bombings struck the Iraqi capital Wednesday, one of which targeted a New Baghdad council leader, the official said. The council leader’s driver was killed, and he and his security guard were wounded in the attack.

Another roadside bombing in eastern Baghdad killed an Iraqi policeman and wounded five others.

Two other roadside bombings in the capital wounded nine Iraqi soldiers and civilians.

Memo to John Bush McCain:

You said:

One of the things I would do if I were President would be to sit the Shiites and the Sunnis down and say, ‘Stop the bullshit.”

I hate to pop your little bubble, pal, but trust me, It’s not going to work.

Y’know, occasionally I catch some grief by saying I have come truly to despise Bush/McCain and their ideological cronies like Cheney, Addington, Rumsfeld, and so on. Here’s why:

Because the Bush/McCain gang is so ignorant violent, mentally disturbed and powerful, they get hundreds of thousands innocent people killed. Sheer moral hygiene makes it imperative that this country say no to four more years of the same.

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