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Swing Staters: Got Good Campaign Stories?

by tristero

Longtime reader pseudonymous in nc objected to an earlier post I did which was highly critical of the campaign the Democrats are conducting (with the notable exception of Obama, who seems to grow with every appearance):

Every day, you sit in Manhattan and pointificate about how we’re all dooooooomed while people are actually trying to break through on the ground in tough states to crack. Work that doesn’t appear in the blogs you read or the news you watch.

That’s a fair point. For the most part, I don’t know, except to the extent it makes the national papers, what is going on down on the ground. (Oh, and thanks, you’re right: I really do need to exercise more!)

So, if you would be willing to help me learn about the work you are doing in the “tough states,” I would be very grateful and will post at least some of the stories. I need to ask you to please provide links to news articles or websites for documentation. For example, if you are in Virginia, say, and working in a western county to GOTV, please tell us the story in comments and also link to an article in a local paper that describes the work you or your group are/is doing.


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