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Word On The Street

by digby

Kevin Hayden has a neat idea that some of you might want to be involved with. Check it out:

Why do you blog? Or read political blogs? How’s the economy impacted you and your family in the last eight years? What do you think about the presidential tickets? Are there other races you’re concerned about? Know any troops who’ve been to Iraq? What issues really matter a lot? Do you have a message for your elected officials?

Then, if you’re along (or near) my coast-to-coast route, why not let me interview and video you?

Here’s how to make the Word On The Street project happen. Time’s short before the launch, so act today.

We’ve heard the candidates pitch their issues, heard the pundits and the partisans. Isn’t it time that they took time to hear what Americans like you want?

This is your chance. Our chance. There’s no time to hesitate: click on the link above, offer to help, and let’s stop complaining that we never get heard. This year, let’s change that dynamic once and for all.

I have a feeling some of you might have something to say …


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