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Not Enough

by tristero

This is fine, as far as it goes.

But it’s not enough. After all, Dukakis released a similar ad, and we all know it did him a world of good.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Dems missed their opportunity to attack McCain in an effective manner when they failed to have anything ready for Palin’s announcement, other than congratulations, and when they failed to seize back the news cycles the day after the St. Paul hatefest. Now, with decent attack ads, they can only stave off further inroads. Today, the Obama campaign will not be able to turn this election around by merely fighting back, although of course they have to do that. Obama must make news. What kind of news? That is the job of the Obama campaign leadership.

Note to all those who think I”m hitting the Dems too hard: save your breath until the polls dramatically show support for Obama. Then, feel free to tell me you told me so, and I will gladly, and with great relief, agree.

Another note: I am not, in any way, criticizing Obama. Personally, he has run a superlative campaign. I think he is one of the greatest candidates for president ever and has the potential to be a great president. However, the support he has received from leading Democrats has been shamefully tepid and the marketing of the campaign in the election cycle has been atrocious. I understand that right now, Biden is just getting around to hitting McCain hard. Good for him. But where was he the day of the Palin announcement when it would have done some good? He was full of good vibes, defending “my friend” John. Again, spare us any defense until the poll numbers turn around. What Biden is doing now is the least he can do, and he’s easily 10 days late in doing it.

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