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Celebrity Watch

by digby

Paris and Britney can only dreeam of such attention:

She may have traveled to Dulles International Airport in style — with much of I-66 and the Dulles Toll Road closed to traffic to accommodate the vice presidential motorcade — but Gov. Sarah Palin’s departure for Alaska has been delayed by an excessive amount of baggage. That’s actual, not metaphorical, baggage. “We’re overweight. We’re not taking off until we lose 10 bags,” Cecil Wallace, a press advance lead on the trip, announced. He and other logistics organizers pleaded with network camera crews to leave some of their gear behind because the cargo hold was too overloaded and the plane too heavy to make the entire trip. […]
In addition to the networks, the campaign has in tow an “Entertainment Tonight” contingent. It is unclear whether the “Straight Talk II” will be on the record or not. On a previous flight, Palin advisers tried to impose an off the record policy for the governor, who so far in the campaign has only responded to questions from People magazine.

“I know you are but what am I” politics in full effect.


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