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How Many Elections Must Democrats Lose

by tristero

… until they learn that refusing to attack ALL the elephants in the room is just plain stupid?

Am I saying the election is lost? Well, despite Biden’s effusive praise of McCain which overshadows all his criticism that follows, and despite Clinton’s bizarre refusal to attack an extreme rightwing ignoramus for being, you know, an extreme rightwing ignoramus, I still think Obama can win.

Why? Because there happen to be millions upon millions of people in this country who are genuinely terrified about the prospect of four more years of McCain-Bush. And they just may be far more numerous than the polls show. And they are not prepared to to accept four more years of catastrophic McCain-Bush governance.

And also because there happen to be millions upon millions of people in this country who are genuinely inspired by Obama’s extraordinary character, vision, and proposals.

Cue a few commenters to note it’s still a good idea for Democrats to let a news cycle slide. Cue a few others to urge Democrats to take the high road, ignore personal attacks, and refuse to attack lies and corruption. Workin’ real well, isn’t it?

Granted, there’s racism. Granted, the press is easily intimidated. Granted, Republicans are big, mean, nasty, bullies, that (sniffle) don’t fight fair (sob).

But that is all the more reason for Democrats to forcefully confront these issues and stop acting like…well, like their party mascot, like asses.

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