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by digby

First poll with both tickets complete:

August 29-31: Obama 49%, McCain 48% August 23-24: Obama 47%, McCain 47% July 27-29: Obama 51%, Mccain 44% Is Sarah Palin qualified to serve as president? Yes: 45% No: 50% No opinion: 5% Do you think John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin reflects favorably or unfavorably on McCain’s ability to make important presidential decisions? Favorably: 57% Unfavorably: 40% No opinion: 2% “John McCain chose Sarah Palin because he thought having a woman on the ticket would help him get elected?” Agree: 75% Disagree: 25%

One can only conclude that a lot of people think that naming an unqualified person for VP speaks well of McCain’s decision making. Should we call this the “Cheney effect” — a desire to put the Vice President back in a ceremonial role after eight years of having a puppeteer behind the scenes pulling the president’s strings? Or are they just Republican fools?


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