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Bush Cheney, And McCain Implement Operation Hype The Hurricane

by tristero

Since the deeply loathed Bush and Cheney will skip their party’s convention in order to pretend to be in charge of the Hurricane Gustav response, I can only assume that McCain’s pr gang is sighing with relief.

Elsewhere I read that McCain may address the convention from somewhere near the hurricane. What that means is, in reality, that McCain will be in the way, and will clog the response. But nothing will stand in St. John’s way of creating the impression he cares about this country’s little people, the kind that don’t travel by private plane around their state. And let’s face it, creating the impression of caring is a lot more fun than actually caring. All y’gotta do is look concerned.

Oh, and what about the Gulf Coast? Have no fear: Blackwater’s got it under control.

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