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Initial Thoughts On The Last 24 Hours

by tristero

Obama’s speech was the greatest I have ever heard live by a major politician, both in terms of content and delivery. No wonder McCain wanted to, and did, step on it immediately. Let’s not forget to mention it. Again, and again.

After Gore gave a very good speech, albeit with the delivery oddly rushed, not a single bloviator on CNN – not a single one – deigned to discuss it for about 10 minutes, until Gergen said that Gore said something appreciative. Susan Eisenhower’s speech received more attention. I found that incredibly disrespectful of a man who counts the Vice-Presidency of the United States as just one spectacular achievement out of a lifetime of service to his country (and world) and a clear sign that the msm still hates his guts.

Speaking of bias, was it just me or was the coverage on CNN negative for the most part? I wonder if we’ll see all the bloviators frowning so deeply just before McCain accepts.

Obama chose Biden partly because of his reputation in foreign policy, which directly addresses an important component of the actual job of being president. McCain chose Palin merely because she was useful in shoring up a demographic needed to win an election. She has, as far as anyone knows, no other qualifications or experience that is directly relevant to running an entire country. It is like Bush nominating Miers for the Supreme Court because she’s a good person.

The decision to choose Palin demonstrates McCain’s impulsiveness, his erratic character, and his lack of seriousness about the actual job of being president.

Palin is, apparently, a radical Christianist, in the mold of Dobson, Robertson and others. Therefore it is only fair to ask her these questions, among many others:

Does Palin wish to undermine science by permitting religious doctrines like “intelligent design” creationism into the public school curriculum? UPDATE: Palin is a “teach the controversy” creationist (note: there is no scientific controversy to teach. ).

Did Palin support Randall Terry in his attempts to undermine the US judiciary and prolong the vegetative state of Terri Schiavo?

Since McCain believes America is a Christian nation, what positions does Palin believe non-Christians should be permitted to hold in the US government?

Does Palin consider Catholics to be Christian?

Some other preliminary questions to ask Palin:

Besides Canada, has she ever been out of the US? Where? For how long?

Who is the head of Australia, North Korea, South Korea, Afghanistan, Israel, the EU and the UK? Who is the president of Brazil?

What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam?

What is NAFTA?

Who was John Locke?

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