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by dday

John McCain hears town hall attendee say: “If we don’t reenact the draft I don’t think we will have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of hell,” says “I don’t disagree with anything you said.”

This kind of talk was on the “Internets” in 2004, but wasn’t completely pushed by Democrats, and there wasn’t actual video of the GOP candidate basically agreeing that we need a draft.

This time around? Well, VoteVets is on it, so far:

Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of said, “At least Senator McCain is being honest. A vote for him is a vote for the draft. Period. Unless Senator McCain radically changes his worldview, there would be a draft to implement his plans.”

Soltz added, “When you take into account his indefinite military commitment to Iraq, his desire to send more troops to Afghanistan, record lows in recruiting and retention, and possibly more wars he is looking to get into, like “Bomb Bomb Bomb” Iran, his numbers don’t add up without a draft. Whether America likes it or not isn’t relevant – a draft is the only way to do everything Senator McCain wants to do. I give him points for being honest and upfront, though, that we’re going to need a draft if he is elected.”

This is pretty clear. Your sons and daughters will be sent off to fight should any problem arise in the world. John McCain believes only in blunt force and aggression over diplomacy and multilateralism, and either we grind the existing troops further into dust or there’s a draft. There are no alternatives.

Particularly when you’re running a campaign based on increasing turnout from the under-30 set, I think this would be something you’d want to mention…

…The reason that we’re going to need a draft, of course, is because McCain is a reckless hothead who’s default setting is more war.

In an apparent effort to regain the offensive, the Obama campaign launched a broad attack on McCain today, portraying him as reckless on foreign policy, a hot-head who’s too willing to use force and not willing enough to apprise himself of facts on the ground before urging military action.

On a conference call with reporters just now, senior Obama foreign policy adviser Susan Rice argued that there is “a pattern here of recklessness” when it comes to McCain’s approach to various national security issues. She pointed out that McCain reacted too quickly with “aggressive and bellicose” rhetoric on the Russia-Georgia crisis, and contrasted that with Obama’s measured response to the dust-up.

“There’s something to be said for letting facts drive judgment,” Rice said, also referring to McCain’s desire to target Iraq right after 9/11.

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